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U.S. DOT FY 2024.1 Phase I Pre-Solicitation Q&A

* * * 2/6/24 Update: The Pre-solicitation is now closed. Topic questions are no longer being accepted. * * *

This U.S. DOT Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Pre-solicitation Q&A Forum provides small businesses an opportunity to submit clarifying questions on the topics published in the U.S. DOT Fiscal Year (FY) 2024.1 Phase I Pre-Solicitation. Questions will be answered by the Technical Experts/Topic Authors at the U.S.DOT Operating Administrations during this period. Questions shall be limited to improving the understanding of a particular topic's requirements and should not share proposal ideas nor proprietary information.

The U.S. DOT’s FY 2024.1 Pre-Solicitation period is January 4,2024, through February 6, 2024, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time (ET). Only questions posted within this period will be responded to.

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Please note, all comments will be public information. Potential offerors shall not include in the question(s) or comment(s) any information that they do not wish to be made public. Telephone inquiries or meeting requests will not be addressed and may be removed. The U.S. DOT shall not respond to requests for advice or guidance on any offeror’s solution to any SBIR topic, and shall not consider any submitted materials other than questions.

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7 results found

  1. 24:1 CMV Trailer Stability Sensor

    The Topic talks about recording data to an internal memory source, would that be a High reliability, non-erasable source, or is this meant more for engineering/maintenance analysis and 99% reliability and rewrite is acceptable?

    The topic talks about notifying the driver, is notification through the CANBUS the only acceptable way? Can we use other methods, such as SMS Text?
    The topic talks about measuring sway and lean. Are we allowed to have multiple sensors on the trailer?

    Can we tap trailer electrical for power, or are we expected to be self powered at all time? Can we generate power internally…

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  2. Driver Input for trailer load and tractor information?

    Would some driver input such as typing in the trailer load or selecting the type of tractor (make/model/year) be allowable? Inputs such as these could be helpful for determining suspension deflection versus expected values under the given loading.

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  3. Vehicle access during Phase I execution

    Will the awardee for Phase I have access to test drives in FMCSA-owned vehicles to understand specific/additional details about the kind of vehicle forces/driver behavior that DOT is interested in monitoring?

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  4. Proposer's skillset

    Is the proposer expected to already have a relevant product that will be adapted to this use case? OR is the DOT open to consider applications from companies that have experience in the core technologies involved in measuring and analyzing accelerometer/gyro signals?

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  5. Please define "Flex" and what is specifically of interest here?

    Is flex referring to deflection in the trailer front versus the trailer rear, twist, or some other metric?

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  6. Brake system measurements via inertia

    Can some clarification be provided for the sentence "Other mechanisms can be measured by inertia including braking systems and loose wheel carriage assemblies"? It is unclear what inertia based measurements would be used for these items or if there is some predefined inertia measurement procedure for doing this which is being referenced.

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  7. What type of trailer is of interest?

    What type of trailer is of interest? Box trailer vs. flatbed trailer? It is expected that the loading and dynamics of these would be different from each other.

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