Will samples of completed plans for operators of different sizes be available for review?

FTA recently published a sample Agency Safety Plan (ASP) for small public transportation providers on the PTASP Technical Assistance Center website. You can view this sample ASP here: https://www.transit.dot.gov/regulations-and-programs/safety/public-transportation-agency-safety-program/sample-small-public
Yes, the FTA will soon be publishing sample Agency Safety Plans (ASP) on the PTASP Technical Assistance Center website (https://www.transit.dot.gov/PTASP-TAC) including an example of an ASP for a large transit agency and another example for a small public transportation provider. You can sign up to receive updates on safety information from FTA through GovDelivery (https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOTFTA/subscriber/new).