Vanpool clarification/assistance
It is my understanding that a vanpool operation that receives 5307 capital funding from the large urban provider is required to have a PTASP or participate in the large urban PTASP. What does that look like? Seems like it's overly burdensome to require a 3 staff agency with volunteer drivers to have something this extensive in place. Are there sample policies out there that are more simplified are more specific to a VP operation?

The PTASP regulation applies to transit agencies that are recipients and subrecipients of Section 5307 funding and includes transit modes such as vanpool. Subrecipients that receive Section 5307 Federal funding need to have their own Agency Safety Plans (ASPs). If a subrecipient is a small public transportation provider, then the State must draft and certify an ASP on behalf of the small public transportation provider, unless that agency notifies the State that it will draft its own plan (49 CFR § 673.11(d)).
FTA established reduced ASP Safety Assurance requirements for small public transportation providers. Small public transportation provider ASPs only need to include Safety Assurance processes for safety performance monitoring and measurement and not processes for Management of Change and Continuous Improvement.
The PTASP regulation allows agencies flexibility in how they will meet the minimum PTASP requirements. A smaller transit agency may have simpler SMS processes and procedures than a larger operator with more system complexity.
FTA will soon release a sample small public transportation provider ASP.