Using / integrating existing standards into one place only -- or creating a new overarching "superset" that feeds into other systems?
The topic references myriad datasets and associated tools, including:
- NEMSIS (by reference, since it is contained within MMUCC)
- Trauma registry (by reference, since it is contained within MMUCC)
- NFIRS/NERIS (when fire services respond to crashes)
- EMS UUID (by reference, since it is contained within MMUCC)
Is the goal of this topic to create a "master" dataset that can overarch all of the above (and possibly others), superseding them with the goal of "enabling LEAs to increase accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and uniformity of crash reports through the reduction of missing data and coding errors" -- presumably through fast and efficient charting in the field, at the crash scene? (The reference to speed and efficiency is drawn from the goal to "reduce police officer exposure to secondary crashes.") (PG. 26)
Is the goal NOT to create a new dataset but to crosswalk and synthesize several EXISTING datasets, turning them into "one report that rules them all"?
Begging forgiveness for my Lord of the Rings reference (!!!): is the goal a landing point for data from several different data sets and systems that operate within separate spheres, so they can come together and form a single picture of the scene and situation?
A single "master" software that can capture data that has a landing point within each of the other data sets, then distribute the approach data across those datasets to their respective landing points (e.g., to NEMSIS, or NERIS, or FARS, or FIRST, etc., however is appropriate)?
(Or both?)

Rebecca Dieken commented
Thank you for your question. The government believes the proposal includes sufficient information.