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U.S. DOT FY 2025 Phase I Pre-Solicitation Q&A


1/31/25  Update: The Pre-solicitation is now closed. Topic questions are no longer being accepted. * * *

This U.S. DOT Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Pre-solicitation Q&A Forum provides small businesses an opportunity to submit clarifying questions on the topics published in the U.S. DOT Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Phase I Pre-Solicitation. Questions will be answered by the Technical Experts/Topic Authors at the U.S. DOT Operating Administrations during this period. Questions shall be limited to improving the understanding of a particular topic's requirements and should not share proposal ideas nor proprietary information.

The U.S. DOT’s FY 2025 Pre-Solicitation period is January 3, 2025, through January 31, 2025, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time (ET). Only questions posted within this period will be responded to.

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66 results found

  1. Do you provide resources to make introductions to FTA Fleets?

    Knowing what type of vehicles/wheeled equipment and the organizational structure that works with a fleet is essential to building the proper tables for creating an AI database that can have appropriate logic developed; this will be different for the types of equipment and will also affect the IOT devices that will be used. For example, running vehicles with the J1939 protocol will require a different device than one using SAE J1850 found on a typical OBD2 Vehicle.

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  2. 4 votes

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  4. We have a technology that combines Lidar with ultrasonic sensors to inspect the tire, is such a technical approach allowed?

    Our technology combines an existing LiDAR device with low-cost ultrasonic sensors to inspect tires, is the topic limited to devices
    that only use LiDAR technology or a technology with combined methods that results to a handled device with comparable cost is allowed?

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  5. Can we use more than two units, for example, a mesh network?

    Can we use more than two units, for example, a mesh network? Also, is there any licensed spectrum or limitations on available spectrums specifically for this train communications?

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  6. Are there any specific regulations or standards for the tire inspections?

    Are there any specific regulations or standards that the proposed LiDAR-based tire inspection system must comply with for commercial use in the transportation industry?

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  7. List of existing tools in use, and potential access before technical content writing?

    1) Can you provide current standard set of tools common across most law enforcement agencies that are currently in use ranging from software on the MDT, phone apps, weather sensors, dashcam footage databases?

    2) Can we gain access to said tools prior to writing the technical content for the SBIR?

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  8. For this topic will there be a tire dataset provided? If so what would be a rough magnitude estimate of the size of the dataset?

    For this topic will there be a tire dataset provided? If so what would be a rough magnitude estimate of the size of the dataset, being 10 gigabytes, 100 gigabytes, or larger?

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  9. Is it feasible to integrate third-party software solutions, such as AWS for voice recognition, into the proposed system?

    We'll integrate geolocation, OCR, speech-to-text transcription data and conduct AI-based data validation. The system will automatically populate reports with MIRE and FARS data, ensuring accuracy and uniformity, while reducing manual input and officer exposure.

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  10. Enhancing existing data collection methods vs. new data collection techniques?

    Is the focus of this topic new tools (such as natural language tools) for accelerating on-site completion of reports using existing data collection methods, or new data collection methods, or both?

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  11. LIDAR phone required?

    Must the solution be on a phone that has its own built-in LIDAR unit -- which would limit it to a pretty small number of phone models -- or could it be a small LIDAR unit which could plug into/lock onto multiple existing phones for use, broadening the application at the cost of having a low-cost add-on hardware component?

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  12. Dominant cost factor for predictive Maintenance in public transit

    Would it be acceptable to focus on a single 'most costly' component of Zero emission buses used for public transit vehicle for predictive maintenance ?

    Dominant cost factor:
    The battery is by far the most expensive component, making up a large percentage of the total cost of an electric bus. Maximizing the lifespan of the battery is crucial for the economic viability of electric buses.

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  13. How can a handheld LiDAR be used to acquire data for multiple tires of freight trucks?

    We have an idea how a handheld LiDAR can be used to acquire data for multiple tires of a freight truck.

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  14. Please specify requirements for LiDAR eye safety such as wavelength and peak/average laser power.

    The idea is to use four COTS time-of-flight cameras in the LiDAR receiver, combine their 3D output, and process the data using AI algorithms. One COTS camera cannot provide sufficient spatial resolution for a tire scanner looking at vehicle wheels.

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  15. 2 votes

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  16. Have you considered a microphone-based solution that analyses fatigue levels from voice in near-real time as a solution as an extension or a

    Voice changes caused by increased fatigue can be detected with commercial vocal biomarker technologies. A transportation operator monitoring system built using this technology could help detect fatigue and reduce fatigue-related accidents.

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  17. Can we focus on only one specific type of ground hazards, such as rockfalls, for the application?

    Different types of ground hazards may require different technologies. Is this topic intended to address all types of the ground hazards listed in the topic description, including slope failures, washouts, floods, rockfalls, and landslides?

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  18. 2 votes

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